extendYoga’s guiding principles are social responsibility and sustainability. We are committed to the health and well-being of everyone in our community and our environment.

Keeping it Green: Everyday, in almost everything we do, we are working to protect the planet and everyone on it.
- At least 90% of our cleaning products are eco-friendly
- Wet and dry recycling is utilized daily
- We don’t print receipts (don’t worry, we’ll email it to you)
- We print as little as possible, use both sides, reuse for notes and scribbles, and then once we are done, all paper is recycled
- Ink cartridges are repeatedly refilled rather than replaced
- We don’t sell plastic water bottles (we’ve got water fountains – drink up)
- Local and Eco-friendly items (like yoga mats, towels, clothing, jewelry, beauty products, etc) are sold at the studio
- Old yoga mats and lost & found mats are donated to our local Animal Shelters to line our furry friend’s crates
- Energy-efficient HVAC systems and LED lighting are used throughout the space
- We launder our rental towels in a high efficiency washer/dryer and with green/Eco-friendly detergent
- We avoid vampire energy: appliances/electronics are unplugged at closing each day
- Timers are used on outdoor lighting to save energy
- We plant a tree for every class package purchased!
- We worked with the county to install a bike rack just for you (thank you Montgomery County Bikeways program)

extendYoga is proud to be a Certified Green Business via Montgomery County’s Green Business Certification Program. Learn more about what it takes to officially be a green biz here and below in our daily operations and Eco processes.

extendYoga is a Maryland Green Registry member: by taking steps to reduce our impact on the environment and demonstrating our organization’s commitment to the environment.

We run on 100% wind power provided by CleanChoice Energy. What does that really mean? Switching to clean power…
- Is the equivalent of planting three city blocks of forest
- Is the equivalent of taking an SUV off the road
- Prevents more pollution than all the cherry trees around the tidal basin could soak up
- Prevents two 2 refrigerator-size blocks of coal from being burned every year
- Switch one hundred homes to clean power and we on our way to creating another central park

We are a proud Trees For the Future member. Meaning?– we happily planted one tree for every full price class pass purchased at extendYoga through 2019. In fact: 17,488 trees to date (as of 2019)!

We keep our studio green and clean, but we also keep our roads clean! By being a part of the Montgomery County Adopt A Road (AAR) program, we clean our adopted road at least six times a year and help reduce trash and litter along County roads and maintain a clean environment. The best part? Ultimately, we help protect the Chesapeake Bay! (Litter that is washed into storm drains, travels to nearby creeks, streams, major rivers, and eventually can reach the Bay). If you’d like to help/volunteer in our every-other-month road cleaning, email: info@extendyoga.com.